From the end of 2018, I've been carrying out the project "Why Drive When I Can Shoot?" on municipal buses in Curitiba. Those thousands of photographs unfolded into some subprojects.

Soul Time (2018-)
Finalist of "Prêmio Mobile Fotografe 2022" from Brazilian "Fotografe Melhor" Magazine.
We are all aware of the countless emotions, thoughts and sensations that can occur to us in a single moment: a hegemonic force field, dynamic, in dialogue and conflict but, surprisingly, invisible to ourselves. Forces that hum practically out of time, much shorter than lightning… Or so it seems to us.
Long before the categories of “subjective” and “objective”, Augustine of Hippo reflected deeply on the interdependence of memory and time, on how and to what extent the perception of time is the result of the attention of the soul. After all, who is and who should be watching?

Who Are You? (2018-)
Essay selected to compose a book (forthcoming) and exhibitions "WOW - World of Woman", promoted by the associations Exhibit Around/dotArt/Trieste Photo Days.

Suspended Animation (2018-)
Selected to compose the book and exhibitions "Dante MMXXI - Un Tributo Fotografico" promoted by Exhibit Around/dotArt/Trieste Photo Days/Ministerio della Cultura - Segretariato Friuli Venezia Giulia (2021).
Second place in the "Prêmio Mobile Fotografe 2022" Award - Essay Category (Brazilian "Fotografe Melhor" Magazine, 2022).